Shuffling in support of World No Tobacco Day
The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living created a No Tobacco Shuffle song and video with updated lyrics as a play on the Cupid Shuffle, to
celebrate World No Tobacco Day on May 31.
World No Tobacco Day is a yearly celebration that informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.
Dozens of staff from the LCRC and its member institutions supported the effort by submitting a video, excerpts of which were included in the projects. The No Tobacco Shuffle contains several clips of LCRC staff and members from LCRC institutions doing the shuffle. In addition to the LCRC, other participating partners include the Louisiana Public Health Institute, Healthy St. Landry, Central Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition, Well-Ahead,
East Jefferson Hospital (LCMC), Girlie Girls Mentoring Program, and Northeast Delta Human Services Authority! Local musicians, including DJ Cupid, the creator of the Cupid Shuffle, DC
Sills, and the Soul Revival Band also make an appearance in the video.
Currently, there are 30 smoke-free ordinances in place throughout Louisiana, protecting more than 1.4 million Louisianans from secondhand smoke. If residents are interested in more
information about how to introduce a smoke-free ordinance in their town, city, or parish, they can email HealthierAirForAll@lphi.org. Residents interested in quitting smoking can find
resources to help them on their quit journey at QuitWithUsLa.org or by calling1-800-Quit-Now.
The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living
The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living (TFL) engages in local and statewide tobacco control
policy efforts that focus on tobacco prevention and initiation among youth, eliminate exposure to
secondhand smoke, promote cessation services, and identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities.
TFL is guided by best practices in tobacco control and envisions a healthier Louisiana by reducing the
excessive burden of tobacco use on all Louisianans. For more information visit
www.tobaccofreeliving.org.To find out more about the dangers of secondhand smoke and show your
support for a smoke-free Louisiana, visit www.healthierairforall.org.To learn more about quitting
tobacco, visit www.quitwithusla.org.
About the Louisiana Cancer Research Center (LCRC)
Founded by the Louisiana State Legislature in 2002, the LCRC is a public-private partnership designed to
promote education about cancer and conduct important research on the diagnosis, detection, treatment,
and prevention of cancer in Louisiana. The LCRC partners with the public at large and four major cancer
research institutions in Louisiana: LSU Health, Tulane University, Ochsner Health System, and Xavier
University. More information about the LCRC is available at www.louisianacancercenter.org.
About the Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI)
LPHI, founded in 1997, is a statewide community-focused 501(c)(3) nonprofit and public health institute
committed to ensuring all Louisianans have just and fair opportunities to be healthy and well. Our work
focuses on areas that touch public health, including tobacco prevention and control, building healthier
communities, assessing needs of communities, supporting the whole health needs of individuals and
families from early childhood to older adults, COVID-19, and more. We create authentic partnerships
with both communities and partners to align action for health. For more information, visit