September 2020 Newsletter


Each September signals many significant milestones, even though they may look quite different this year.
The start of school and the next phase - the State of Louisiana is cautiously easing the state into Phase 3 with Orleans Parish taking a little longer. As an institution dedicated to fighting cancer, the LCRC is committed to the highest principles of good health and prevention. As more interactions take place in our communities, please continue to:
- social distance
- wash your hands
- wear your mask

Cancer patients who evacuated their homes because of Hurricane Laura can call a new toll-free hotline for help reaching their doctors about ongoing cancer treatments and cancer care.The toll-free line is 888-599-1073 and is staffed during regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. The hotline is provided in partnership by the Louisiana Department of Health and the Louisiana Cancer Prevention & Control Programs (LCP). LCP will try to help connect patients with cancer to their doctors. There is also an LCP medical advisor who can help answer questions from patients. LCP is financed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is housed at the LSU Health New Orleans' School of Public Health.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Louisiana ranks 7th in the nation for prostate cancer deaths. LCRC Faculty Member and Tulane Researcher Oliver Sartor, MD, will discuss the latest in prostate cancer research and treatment at a webinar on Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 5 PM.
To register, visit
Our Research Continues. Please Make a Donation.

Usually at this time, the LCRC volunteer committee is busily planning our annual benefit, Research for the Cure. This year, because of the pandemic, we have postponed our in-person fundraiser until 2021.
We still need your help! Your donation directly supports cancer research in Louisiana. Please consider making a donation as we research ways to fight the second leading cause of death in our state.
DonateCopyright © *|2020|* *|Louisiana Cancer Research Center|*, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
*|1700 Tulane Avenue|* New Orleans*Louisiana|*
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