Preserving Cancer Research
The current COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder of the importance of medical and basic research. Scientists around the world are working to meet this challenge building on years of advances in the areas of infectious disease and vaccine development.
The research activities conducted and supported by the LCRC are mission critical to our partner institutions. They have transitioned to distance learning and remote work as much as possible and we at the LCRC have suspended some daily activities while prioritizing essential services to support them.
The LCRC building remains open for research staff, employees, necessary vendors, and critical delivery personnel only. For those who have to come to work to conduct essential activities, we are enforcing social distancing and following all the recommendations of the Centers of Disease Control and federal, state, and local guidance. Despite the threat of COVID-19, the LCRC remains a critical resource for our state's largest consortium of cancer researchers.
We all need to do our part to protect the most vulnerable during this time. In addition to older members of our community and those with underlying conditions, cancer patients who have received certain treatments that compromise the immune system are more vulnerable. The National Cancer Institute has provided helpful information and resources for cancer patients during this evolving situation. Please share this information as we all work to minimize exposure to the virus.

Sven Davisson
LCRC Chief Administrative Officer