February Newsletter
February 2020 newsletter: Sharing Research on Thursdays. Read about our cancer research efforts @ https://bit.ly/39jUaSs

Sharing research on Thursdays

With Mardi Gras behind us in New Orleans, it's back to work for scientists at the Louisiana Cancer Research Center. On many Thursdays at the LCRC, you will find a room filled with renowned cancer researchers listening intently to presentations. The invited speaker series is organized by the LSU Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center and the Tulane Cancer Center.
On Thursday, February 27, a packed room listened to a noon lecture by Professor Jinsong Liu, MD, PhD, MA, Departments of Pathology/Laboratory Medicine and Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. He shared his research entitled, "Cancer is a Somatic Cell Pregnancy: Insight from Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells." Other lecturers this year include:
- Ziao-Fan Wang, PhD, Professor of Experimental Oncology, Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical Center: "New Insights Into Mechanisms Underlying Cellular Senescence."
- Xiongbin Lu, PhD, the Vera Bradley Foundation Chair in Breast Cancer Innovation at the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center: “Targeted therapy approach for TNBC with chr17p loss.”
- Daniel E. Frigo, PhD, Associate Professor, Departments of Cancer Systems Imaging & Genitourinary Medical Oncology at UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center: "Therapeutic targeting of androgen-regulated signaling in prostate cancer: Looking beyond the receptor."
The talks are free and a light lunch is available at 11:45 for attendees. Check the LCRC digital monitor in the first floor lobby and our Facebook page for the next lecture.

A Happy Anniversary!
Time flies when you're being healthy! Congratulations to The Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living (TFL) and all non-smokers for marking 5 years of a smoke-free New Orleans.
Tonia Moore,TFL director, pictured at the podium, celebrated the milestone at a press conference announcing the line up of this year's French Quarter Festival. TFL is sponsoring the Bourbon Street Stage and musicians who were part of the smoke-free efforts. The festival runs April 16-19.

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