Yong Zhou, MD, PhD

Yong Zhou, MD, PhD


Research in my laboratory has been focused on the mechanobiology of lung injury, repair, and regeneration, with an expanding interest in the intersection between lung fibrosis and lung cancer. Specifically, we investigate the role of biomechanical signals derived from the extracellular cellular matrix (ECM) in lung fibrosis progression and resolution. Our research aims to understand how these biomechanical signals influence cellular behavior and contribute to disease pathology. Lung cancer frequently arises in fibrotic lung tissues, suggesting that the fibrotic environment may play a critical role in cancer development and progression. By expanding our research to include lung cancer in the context of pulmonary fibrosis, we aim to uncover the molecular and biomechanical pathways that link these conditions. Understanding these pathways is crucial for developing novel therapeutic strategies that can address both fibrosis and cancer simultaneously. In addition to understanding the mechanisms of lung fibrosis and cancer, we are interested in developing advanced tools for research studies. These include CRISPR genome/epigenome editing, stiffness-tunable 3D hydrogels for organoid culture, and transgenic mouse models. These tools not only enhance our ability to study lung fibrosis but also provide a platform for exploring the connections between fibrosis and lung cancer.

Ongoing and recently completed projects that I would like to highlight include:

R01 HL156973

Zhou (PI)


Mechano-niche in Lung Repair After Injury

R01 HL139584

Zhou (PI)

09/01/18-05/31/24 (NCE)

Targeting Matrix Stiffness in Lung Fibrosis Associated with Aging

R01 EY027924

Downs, Murphy-Ullrich, Zhou (Multiple-PIs)


Optic Nerve Head Mechanobiology in Glaucoma

P01 HL114470

Thannickal (PI), Role: Co-investigator

08/01/13 – 09/30/23

Therapeutic Targeting of the Myofibroblast in Fibrotic Lung Disease

LCRC Faculty

Christopher Bolden, PhD
Tumor Biology
Xavier University
Levon Bostanian PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Xavier University
J. Quincy Brown PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Justin Brown PhD
Population Sciences
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Bridgette Collins-Burow MD PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Matthew E. Burow PhD
Tumor Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Kevin Callison PhD
Population Sciences
Tulane University School of Medicine
Jennifer Cameron PhD
Genes & Environment
LSU Health - New Orleans
Tara Castellano, MD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
LSU Health - New Orleans