Having transitioned from a surgeon to a cancer researcher, I have acquired invaluable clinical experience, enabling me to grasp the challenges faced by cancer patients. This experience has ignited my passion to translate research findings into practical applications that directly benefit patients. Throughout my career, my focus has been on translational research in breast cancer and colorectal cancer, delving into the underlying mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression, while devising effective strategies to impede these processes.
Currently, my research is concentrated on cancer drug development and the investigation of molecular mechanisms involving microRNA in the anti-cancer effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Extensive studies have established NSAIDs as a significant class of agents exhibiting pleiotropic antineoplastic activities, including hindering tumor cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis, and suppressing angiogenesis. Notably, our particular interest lies in exploring the potential of NSAIDs as novel immune modulators to enhance the response of triple negative breast cancer and colorectal cancer to immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Education: MD, PhD, MBA
ORCID identifier: 0000-0003-3681-9352
MyNCBI Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/yaguang.xi.1/bibliography/43243855/public/?sort=date&direction=ascending
Selected Publications:
Keywords/Tags: Cancer Therapeutics, Cancer Chemoprevention, Tumor Metastasis, Cancer Drug Discovery and Development, Health Disparities, Immunotherapy.
Link to lab website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/genetics/faculty_detail.aspx?name=Xi_Yaguang