Elizabeth Martin, PhD

Elizabeth Martin, PhD

Associate Professor

My research focus centers around the understanding of the tumor microenvironment with the purpose of building physiologically relevant tumor models for enhanced drug discovery with three major projects 1) Evaluation of breast cancer extracellular matrix composition. Currently, my lab has identified key ECM proteins uniquely elevated in the luminal and TN subtypes of breast cancer and is actively developing methods to produce breast tissue hydrogels from decellularized breast adipose. With these models, we will be able to define how tumor ECM facilitates cancer progression and drug resistance. 2) Mechanisms activated in breast cancer metastasis from fluids hear stress. To better understand forces impacting breast cancer drug resistance during metastasis, in collaboration with LSU, a microfluidic device is used to understand how physiologically relevant amounts of fluid shear stress alter ER+ breast cancer intracellular signaling and endocrine response.3) Stromal regulation of tumor heterogeneity. My lab currently evaluates ASCs with the aim of identifying novel mechanisms governing breast cancer drug resistance with a specific focus on differences in stromal demographics. Specifically, we evaluate how age and body mass index (BMI) alter stem cell function in the tumor microenvironment. With the ultimate goal being to identify novel mechanism of survival signals in breast cancer immune modulation and drug resistance.

Education: PhD, Tulane     University Biomedical Research

MyNCBI     Link:      https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/18cNBOdvOZk1wm/bibliography/public/

Selected     Publications: 

Keywords/Tags:     tumor microenvironment, Stem cells, Breast cancer 

LCRC Faculty

Christopher Bolden, PhD
Cancer Biology
Xavier University
Levon Bostanian PhD
Translational Oncology
Xavier University
J. Quincy Brown PhD
Translational Oncology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Justin Brown PhD
Population Sciences
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Bridgette Collins-Burow MD PhD
Translational Oncology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Matthew E. Burow PhD
Cancer Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Kevin Callison PhD
Population Sciences
Tulane University School of Medicine
Jennifer Cameron PhD
Genes X Environment
LSU Health - New Orleans
Tara Castellano, MD
Translational Oncology
LSU Health - New Orleans